WhereArtI - 24th February
How well do you know Edinburgh? Name the location I have drawn and you could win some ES gift cards by this time tomorrow.
Welcome to my weekly mystery sketch quiz.
Each Monday morning I post a part of the city and you have to tell me where I have been sketching. After 24 hours I will pick one correct answer to receive a set of my Edinburgh location gift cards featuring my inky scribbles from the city.
Email me your answer to contact@edinburghsketcher.com or use the button below and I will pick one correct answer tomorrow to win a prize.
My gift cards are also available in my Etsy Shop and at various outlets around the city.
This WhereArtI Quiz is printed each Monday in the Edinburgh Evening News.
WhereArtI Answer 24th February.
Not the Scotsman Steps but very close, this is the City Art Centre staircase looking towards the Balmoral. Excellent windows. Penelope Klein wins the prize. Until next week ... #whereartiquiz
Sign up for my new postcard art here: