Hi…I really enjoyed reading this and looking at your sketches. Too far south to attend your workshop, alas, though it really appeals, and yes, memories stick if you study something long enough to sketch it 😊

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Thanks Pip, it was such a mix of emotions revisiting those sketches. They really do capture a moment somehow, especially when turning the same pages as I did back then. Very tactile link to the memory.

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Hi Mark, Good to read, my father used to say to us , ‘sometimes the things you fear the most, end up being the things that save you…’ mebes not a bad mantra to live one’s life with. Hope to join you on a sketching day in the future, keep up the good work! Regards Frank

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Cheers Frank, wise words indeed. I hadn’t really made that link but my drawing did really become a habit when going through those tough days. Thanks.

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