WhereArtI - 27th May
How well do you know Edinburgh? Name the location I have drawn and you could win a prize.
Welcome to my weekly watercolour mystery quiz.
Each Monday morning I post a part of the city and you have to tell me where I have been sketching. After 24 hours I pick one correct answer to receive an Edinburgh Sketcher cotton bag featuring one of my inky drawings.
Email me your answer to contact@edinburghsketcher.com or use the button below and I will pick one correct answer tomorrow morning to win a prize.
My Edinburgh tote bags are available in my Etsy Shop for £9.50 plus postage.
This WhereArtI Quiz is printed each Monday in the Edinburgh Evening News.
WhereArtI Quiz 27th May answer: This is the Royal Mile and the City Chambers buildings, impressive inside and out. I was there sketching a wedding for this one. This week’s winner is Julia Jose. There will be another chance next Monday morning, subscribe to receive the quiz first via email.