Money plant springs to life
A gift fro my mother this Money plant is coming to life, hopefully a good sign :)
It’s amazing what a boost I get from drawing something I am pleased with, even after many years of doing this for a living. I like the drawing but also I like that I have documented a moment of my life, of family life and that I know when I look back in years to come I will remember this day.
Looking through my sketch books from when the kids were little or when we were on holiday fill me with joy. Drawing a sketch pulls me into the moment more than taking a photo and the time it takes looking at the details of a scene somehow lodges more emotion into my memories.
Today’s sketch is our money plant which is loving being in the sunlight and has sprouted a few new shoots in the last few days. Hopefully the money is just around the corner!
In my workshops I try to pass on that ability to quickly sketch what is in front of you, to capture a moment and an emotion with scribble lines and a wash of colour. Find out more about my all ability sessions at the Sketching Workshop page and I hope to see you soon.