Dance inspired art
A visit to the Edinburgh Playhouse to see Brazilian dance company Grupo Corpo
A perfect mix of movement and lighting inspired my sketches yesterday. The Festival is great for showing you something unexpected, wandering around the streets you could see musicals, mime, comedy and death defying stunts all before you reach the theatre. I love the mix and the not knowing exactly what from each visit will last with you in your memory.
As I rushed from the bright busy streets into the dark of the Playhouse stalls I quickly took my seat and was immediately drawn into the emotion of rhythmic music and mesmerising dance. Strong lighting picked out shapes that were ever changing. I sketched outlines and memorised what I could to help me make the ink drawings above.
I wanted to catch the quick movement with instinctive marks so combined a brush with india ink and a fountain pen with soluble ink, adding water to blur the two.
August can go in such a blur, be sure to head into town and soak up some of the visiting artistry before they are gone.
Brazilian dance group Grupo Carpo blend ballet with contemporary dance to create a unique and beautiful style. At the Edinburgh Playhouse tonight and tomorrow, 7th August. Find out more HERE.
Below are the dance sketches in a little more detail, I love getting up close to artworks so I can see the brush marks. Click on each one to enlarge.