Tag Archives: excercise

Running beneath the traffic on the old railway

Old Railway pathThe North Edinburgh cycle paths are a lifeline for commuters, dog walkers and all those out for a traffic free hit of exercise.

I have recently started running and am finding these traffic free sketches of tarmac a real blessing, they make up many interesting circuits around north Edinburgh and have the added advantage of being relatively flat.

When I worked near Holyrood I often used these paths on my bike and now how busy they are with Edinburgh’s commuters in the mornings and evenings. So thanks must go to the council who have kept these routes clear during the snow storms of late, indeed they have been much safer to run/walk along than the pavements during this last week.

Old Railway pathphoto

If you are interested in getting started running I could not recommend the BBC One You Couch to 5K app enough. Exercising for around 30 minutes three times a week you start off walking more than you run and gradually over nine weeks decrease the walking and increase the running. And the feel good factor after each session really is addictive!

BBC One You Couch to 5K website.