Tag Archives: Edinburhg

The WhereArtI sketch quiz

WAI020913Morning Edinburgh, a tough one this week but many of you may of noticed this building while sitting in traffic. I certainly did 🙂

No prize this week, but we aren’t just playing for fun, there are valuable points up for grabs for the first three to correctly name the building I have sketched.


The rules are simple, each week I sketch a mystery location within Edinburgh, all you have to do is tell me where I am. Can you place the sketch?

You can answer below, on facebook or twitter and also to keep an eye on the ES facebook page and twitter for clues throughout the day. Answers to come by this time tomorrow, and if you would like to donate a prize for the quiz get in touch HERE.


– See more at: https://edinburghsketcher.com/2013/08/26/the-wherearti-sketch-quiz/#sthash.TvjTErZ1.dpuf